Sentiment Analysis Report

Sentiment analysis is a process that applies natural language processing (NLP) to categorise text into either positive or negative sentiments. It is also known as opinion mining and it has become increasingly popular in recent times, as it allows users to understand the context and tones used in texts and other communication. By analysing the emotions represented in the texts, sentiment analysis reports provide readers with insight into the actual mood and meaning of the material.

With the help of sentiment analysis, readers can gain a better understanding of the types of emotions expressed in texts or manuscripts and can adjust their actions accordingly. The reports provided give readers feedback on each sentence in the book, allowing them to identify the overall sentiment of the material. Through this process, the interpretive process is greatly facilitiated, and readers can understand the emotions they may have missed on their first read-through.

In conclusion, sentiment analysis is a valuable tool for identifying and analysing the emotions present in a text. It can provide readers with a deeper understanding of texts, allowing them to appreciate and respond appropriately to the materials.


Score Sentiment Emotion
Greater than 1 (>1) Very Positive 😃
Greater than 0 (>0) Positive 😊
Equal to 0 (=0) Neutral đŸ˜ļ
Less than 0 (<0) Negative ☚ī¸
Less than -1 (<-1) Very Negative đŸ˜ĸ



Refer to the screenshot below to locate the “REPORTS” button on the bottom left of the screen and click on it.


Please find “Sentiment Analysis” in the last row on bottom right corner of the screen.


Once the user clicks on “Sentiment Analysis”, will start running report automatically and once it finishes loading it will show results on the right side of the screen